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Engineering Design

Conventional engineering services

- evaluation of existing structures (due to increased loading, temporary loadings, local failures etc.)
- design and optimization of new concepts
- design according to Eurocode, AISC, ACI

- reinforcing of existing structures
- quotation-driven preliminary designs for construction companies
- seismic design

Services : Services

Geotechnical Design

Fast and economic deep foundations using Helical Piles

- design of various foundation types (spread footing, pad footing, raft slab, deep foundations)
- our specialty is helical pile deep foundation design
- slope stability analysis
- design of retaining walls, shorings, coffer dams


Blast Resistant Design

Services for Oil-, Energy-, and Defence Industry

- blast load analysis due to various sources (HE, bursting vessels, VCE)
- modeling of complex environments
- new design and reinforcing of existing structures
- design criteria as per client's request
- full engineering support 
- stochastic models for economic design

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Research & Development

Our experience - Your gain

We offer our professional services for R&D projects requiring Finite Element Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics or other type of simulation and numerical analysis.

Get in Touch

Contact info:

Zsolt Roman (Phd.)

General Director
Bsc. Msc. structural and geotechnical engineer

technical doctor of military engineering


Tel.: 0036204595494

Skype: zsolt.roman

Company info:

Terra-Vallum Ltd.

Address: Faiskola u. 16. 2119 Pécel, HUNGARY

Tax number: 26754785-2-13

Eu Tax: HU26754785

EORI: HU0079215071


©2020 by Terra-Vallum Ltd.

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